White Salmon, Green Truss: V (takes 2 and 3)

Peru 2008: Days -3,-4

It sure is funny (dumb) how my logic works sometimes. Last time I ran "The Truss" in March I considered it the hardest run I'd done after having a severe beatdown/swim in the first big drop, getting cold, and portaging or getting worked in every other serious drop on the run. I then kayaked about 40 days in the next month and a half, feeling much more confident once June came around. By then, the Truss was far too high and I was busy with summer work anyway, so I took a three-month hiatus from kayaking and decided to come right off the couch and give another shot at the run that had so kicked my ass earlier this year.

I figured that with rowing all season I must still be in good shape, so I readily signed up for back-to-back trips on the Truss last week while in the Portland area. At 1.5 feet on the gauge, we had significantly lower water, which made the big drops easier, but the in-between stuff much more technical. Or maybe I'm just weak after this summer......

It was sweet redemption to finally have fun on this run, and a great wake-up call that my paddling skills have declined a bit in the past months. Spending a couple days on familiar class IV/V was exactly what I needed before my upcoming trip to Peru. I'm now super sore, but at least that didn't happen after I committed to a 12-day self-support trip.....


smallone said…
Yo, Dan. Good boating with you on the truss. Readers: don't let him fool you; after thee months hiatus he paddled good.
Dan Thurber said…
C´mon Adam, I thought we talked about this. Good is not an adverb! :)

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