Río Mapacho: V - Day 6

by Zak Sears
back to day 5
Camp elevation: 1329 meters

We woke up just after sunrise to a woman and her two kids that welcomed us with fresh hot coffee, and warm manioch. They spoke little spanish and our attempts at using one liners from a Quechua dictionary were returned with smiles, and few words. Later in the morning as we let are dewy gear dry in the sun, kids walking to school came down to visit and told us about our camp being the communal center.

40 minutes downstream of camp we came to the 250 feet per mile stretch of the river we had read about. We scouted the first bit which consisted of very continuous class 5 for several hundred meters. It then turned into very continuous class 4, then class 3 for a total of 2 km of great whitewater. At this flow there was a sneak down the center of the of the river around the lower part of the class 5.

After this section, the whitewater mellowed out to class 3+ with the occasional class 4 until just above camp where we hit a mini gorge of class 4/4+ boulder gardens with one scout. Found a camp just below the gorge on river right. On the water for five and a half hours.

On to day 7


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